Backpacking to Vilnius in Lithuania

Vilnius in Lithuania, has continuously been voted a top destination for the young at heart backpacker. I've decided to have a quick look, to understand why this city, in a fairly 'obscure' part of Europe is ranking so high on most respected travel publications and web sites. Big was my surprise when I started my research to find out what a spectacular city, Vilnius is and what it actually offer tourists. So here are my findings: (Please note that I haven't visited Vilnius yet, but it is on my bucket list!) Vilnius Town Hall Vilnius is located in Lithuania on the Baltic Sea in Northern Europe. Lithuania used to be part of the Eastern Block during the Cold War and such it was a no go area for most Westerners. With the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 most Soviet satellite states became independent, including Lithuania. This also opened up the treasure that is Vilnius, to the world. Vilnius is a medieval town with lots architectural masterpieces. The city was develo...